It’s been about three months since I started work on my novel, Rosetta, and a little over two months since I described my first impressions of writing it. I hit 50,000 words last week. That’s a little over half my forecast completed word count, which means I’m near enough halfway through. At the very least, I’m in the thick of things! And I’ve got some new reflections on the subject of writing a novel to tell you about. Some of them are pretty surprising; at least in light of my first impressions. It’s taught me a lot about how to write a novel.
I’m so glad I have a plan
A quick one this. I’d never have made it this far without a plan, telling me who is where and what they’re doing at any one time. Using a plan means that everything is always facing the right direction, even if I can’t keep track of every plot strand at once. Not everyone writes using the same techniques. But I couldn’t imagine taking on this, or indeed another novel, without a plan. It’s not an especially detailed plan, more just broad strokes of the plot. But I wouldn’t know how to write a novel without it!
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