Earlier this year I went through a bit of a dry spell on the writing front. I took about a month off my usual routine due to some heavy targets in my day job and found myself unable to get off the ground again with any kind of writing. I’d start, stumble, fumble for words and grind to halt once more.
Diagnosis: Writer’s Block
I found although I was making time to write, and even knew what I wanted to write, the words weren’t quite flowing. It wasn’t that I didn’t have the ideas, or the motivation, or even time to write, it was just that I was really having to push to get anything down, and I wasn’t enjoying it. This, for me, is writer’s block: an inconvenient affliction that prevents you from writing despite your best intentions. But good news – I managed to recuperate with a few simple steps. Here’s what set me on the road to recovery perhaps it could be of some help to you too. Read More